Staff vacancy: Premises Officer/Caretaker - would you or anyone you know like to be part of our school community and work to care for our school premises? Please see our vacancies page. Closing date 4th October 2024


West Green is a mainstream primary school. We are committed to ensuring that every child is happy in school, loves learning and makes the very best progress they possibly can. We have high aspirations for children with SEN and disability and we recognise and celebrate their strengths as well as identifying areas in which they require support. We want every child to have an understanding of their own talents and interests and we are committed to working with children and families to achieve the very best for each child with SEND, both academically and socially.
We are an inclusive school: we welcome and celebrate diversity and we have a fully inclusive approach to all opportunities and experiences for children with SEND.

We identify children’s SEN and adapt classroom teaching or provide additional support to meet individual needs. Children’s progress and additional provision are regularly reviewed.

We place high emphasis on learning basic skills but also on learning to be creative, resilient, independent and adaptable and we encourage a range of talents.

We have an open door policy and daily contact with parents. We work in partnership with parents to ensure the best outcomes for children with SEND.

We provide support for children with the following broad areas of SEN:
  • Communication and interaction including speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) and Autistic Spectrum Disorder
  • Cognition and learning including learning difficulties and specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyscalculia and dyspraxia
  • Social, emotional and mental health difficulties including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Sensory and/or physical needs including physical disability, and visual or hearing impairment
Approach to teaching children with SEN:
We have high expectations for children with SEND in academic progress, in the social and emotional aspects of learning and in their full participation in the wider life of the school. We provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all pupils. High quality teaching with appropriate levels of differentiation promotes the highest levels of achievement for all learners, including those with SEN.

We use a graduated approach to providing additional support. This consists of:
  1. High quality teaching
  2. Light touch, short term, in class interventions
  3. More intense group or individual support, recorded on an Individual Learning Plan (ILP)
  4. An Education, Health and Care Plan