Staff vacancy: Premises Officer/Caretaker - would you or anyone you know like to be part of our school community and work to care for our school premises? Please see our vacancies page. Closing date 4th October 2024

General Information for Parents

On this page, and in the menu buttons to the left you will find lots of helpful information to help you understand how our school runs day to day, and what help and support is available for you and your child.


The school gates are open from 8:30am, and children may come in to school from 8:40am, ready to start lessons at 8.50am. Parents of children in Reception and Year 1 are welcome to bring their children into the classrooms. Children arriving before 8:40am remain the responsibility of the Parent/Carer, and should not be left unaccompanied under any circumstances.
Parents remain responsible for their child between 8:30am and 8:40am. The school provides a safe environment between these times, and children can approach a member of staff (usually via the office) if there is a problem that they need help with. It is understood that children in Year 5 and 6 may wish to come to school on their own, and there should be an expectation that they will conduct themselves appropriately once they are on the school site.
If your child is going to be absent from school due to illness, it is important that you contact the school office on the first day of absence before 9:15am so we can accurately complete our registers. If your child has vomited or had diarrhoea they may return to school no less than 48 hours from the last symptom, which is the guidance given to all schools by the Health Protection Agency.
It is very important that children arrive on time and are present in their classroom by 8:50am ready to start their learning. Children who arrive after 9:00am need to enter the school building via the school office, where they will need to be signed in. If your child is brought to school by an adult, the adult must sign them in.
Medical Appointments
We ask that you try to arrange these to take place outside of school hours; however we are aware that this is not always possible. Therefore we ask that you inform the school office of these appointments, and the time at which your child shall be absent. If your child will be absent for a whole morning or afternoon, a ‘Request for Withdrawal from Learning’ form must be completed.
End of day Collection
At the end of the school day children from Reception through to Year 6 exit from their external classroom doors. As a safeguarding measure it is vital that children leave school with the named adult, unless parents have informed the school that they give permission for their child to walk home alone. The school does not recommend that children in year 3 or below walk home alone.
If collection arrangements have changed beyond the previous arrangements you have notified us of, please ensure that you make the office aware of these.
Withdrawal from Learning
If you wish your child to be absent from school for any other circumstances not listed above i.e. Religious Observance etc. you are required to complete a ‘Request for Withdrawal from Learning’. Holidays during term-time cannot be authorised and Fixed Penalty Notices may be issued.