Staff vacancy: Premises Officer/Caretaker - would you or anyone you know like to be part of our school community and work to care for our school premises? Please see our vacancies page.


At West Green Primary School we aim to provide a stimulating environment so that every child can achieve their best in their learning. English is a core subject which runs through the whole of the curriculum and the three strands (Speaking and listening, Reading and Writing) are essential life skills. The journey begins in Reception by learning sounds (phonics-Read Write Inc) and letter names and continues throughout the school to enable our children to become brilliant readers and writers.
Speaking and Listening

At the heart of all learning are the basic skills of speaking and listening so children are provided with opportunities which encourage them to communicate clearly and effectively. Through first-hand experience and listening to an ever increasing variety of vocabulary the children will develop their understanding of language and how to use it.


Reading should be fun and enjoyable. Simple activities like talking about pictures are key in developing children’s vocabulary. Any reading is good reading, from sign posts on the street to novels. Rather than always reaching for a book perhaps you could try sharing comics, recipe books, sports’ results in the newspaper, e-mails and websites about their school topics or a personal interest they may have. Do not forget to come and have a look in our library.

Reading gives the children full access to all curriculum subjects. Opportunities are provided to read in a variety of environments and situations, for example individual, group and class reading. We use a variety of different reading schemes to support reading development. Part of developing independent readers is having time to discuss what they have read and share their opinions, something that you could reinforce at home.

Good readers become good writers, the richness, depth and breadth of reading determines the writers we become.


We encourage our children to write in a variety of styles. Over the year they will write for different purposes and audiences such as letter , diaries, recounts, stories, instructions and poetry. This also feeds into writing in other subjects across the curriculum. The development of writing will include handwriting, spelling, grammar and punctuation as well as content and adventurous use of vocabulary.

Children need to be given the opportunity to reflect on their writing. We teach them editing skills so that they can understand how to improve their work.